Receiver Function Forward simulation with Specfem3D_FWATR#


The Specfem3D_FWATR is under developing, so it has not been open accessed.


For RF simulation, we invoked SEM-FK with plane wave injected to compute RFs, So parameter files are same as Specfem3D and SEM-FK, but an additional parameter file is required for RF calculation.

Common configures#

  • DATA/Par_file

  • DATA/meshfem3D_files



The DATA/CMTSOLUTION must exist but its parameters will not work.

Exclusive configures#

  • src_rec/sources_setXX.dat: Map of source set XX and event id YY. The first field is read to define YY.

  • src_rec/FKmodel_YY.dat

  • src_rec/STATION_YY.dat

  • fwat_params/FWAT.PAR: 4 parameters are required for RF calculation, Others are the same as FWAT.

    • RF_TSHIFT: Time shift before P

    • NUM_FILTER: Number of Gaussian filters applied on RFs.

    • F0: Array of Gaussian factors

    • MAXIT: Maximum iterations

    • MINDERR: Minimum residuals

Meshes and Parameters#

Rules of meshes in Specfem3D has introduced how to create meshes and database, but there are still some key points need be highlighted.

  • Coupling between FK and SEM domain: for high frequency simulation, the abrupt changes of adjacent materials result in wavefield scattering. Thus a taper zone is necessary between FK and SEM, which involved a smooth transition both in velocity and interface topography.


    • Taper zones are need to be set both along X and Y axis.

    • The distance between first (last) station and the taper zone should be less than first Fresnel zone radius in effective depth.

  • Coordinates of initial wavefront: if ORIGIN_WAVEFRONT is set, the initial wavefront should be out of the SEM domain. We can set up it to 4 bottom corner with different back-azimuth.

Run simulation#

Create database#

sed -i "/LOCAL_PATH                      =/c\LOCAL_PATH                      = ./OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI" DATA/Par_file
sed -i "/LOCAL_PATH                      =/c\LOCAL_PATH                      = ./OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI" DATA/meshfem3D_files/Mesh_Par_file

mpirun -np 4 ./bin/xmeshfem3D
mpirun -np 4 ./bin/xgenerate_databases

Go forward simulation#

mpirun -np 4 ./bin/xfwat0_forward_data M00 setXX rf

RFs will be saved into data/YY with SAC format as knetwk.kstnm.kcmpnm.rf.sac